Monday, October 5, 2015

Chapter 14: Argumentative Essays

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By Sarah Moore

Personal Response: Honestly I think writing an argumentative essay is slightly intimidating because of how opinion-based the paper is, and opinions are something I struggle with conveying in the right way through writing. However, this chapter gave very insightful tips on how to use pathos, ethos, and logos, and how to write an interesting paper for the reader without being totally bias throughout. I like how it stressed to consider your argument's opposing side. Writing that is solely opinion-based and not open-minded can be pretty disappointing, so that's why I find this so helpful.

Professional Response: Chapter 14 on Argumentation talks about all the important qualities that should be in an argumentative essay, such as persuasion, validity, evidence, whether the topic is debatable, and if its opposing side can be argued as well. It also brought up a term we had just learned in class a couple weeks ago, fallacies, and how to avoid them in your argumentative essay. There were definitely a lot of key words to remember, but I think with practice argumentative essays could be pretty fun to write!

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