Thursday, September 17, 2015

Outline of Nora Hixson's Exemplification Essay


Current Thesis: Dancers, often thought of as girls in tutus spinning around on their toes, actually have to be incredibly strong in all aspects of performing in order to be successful.

Support Bit Example #1: People underestimate the strength dancers must have in order to succeed with their passion: if it doesn't take any effort at all, then how come football players are recommended to take a ballet class? 

Support Bit  Example #2: To an ordinary audience member, technique, choreography, and elegance appear to be all a ballerina knows. But appearance can be deceitful; ever notice the calf muscles, facial expressions, and passion the dancer uses on stage? A ballerina must be strong in all areas of performing arts, such as athleticism, acting, and artistry, in order to succeed. (Think of roles such as Giselle, whose character went mad. That would've used a great deal of emotion... etc.)

Closing Statement (Thesis #2): Never underestimate the performers in pancake tutus: it takes incredible commitment, training in other arts, and true passion to do the things ballerinas can do. 

By Sarah Moore

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