Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Blog Review - backoftheroomblog

By Sarah Moore

For me, choosing which blog to review wasn't a random pick of the class blog list, rather, I intentionally chose the BackoftheRoomBlog

And if I am to be completely honest, when in need of some good examples of chapter readings or maybe just some blog inspiration, I've always gravitated towards this blog. So very happily, here is my review on the BackoftheRoomBlog. What better then to write a review on a blog that you like? 

On first glance, the appearance and structure of this blog is incredibly organized and visually pleasing, and when I tested to see how easily I could maneuver around the tabs, it was really user-friendly. Admittedly there isn't a lot of color, but I think the black and white looks more professional. It's easy to make a blog that appears messy with too many contrasting fonts and colors, (I noticed some blogs I've reviewed previously were like that) but this blog avoids that nicely. All of the English 121 assignments are included and I can tell the writers spend a good amount of time on making their posts' concise. There's just a lot of sameness and organization that makes it a great blog to follow.

What goes into a good blog are aspects such as organization, currency, quality and validity, visual appeal, author credibility, and consistency. This is what's known as the quality criteria list. I've already talked about the organization in the backoftheroomblog, but a few extra side notes would be there is a handy search bar in the top right corner, in case the 'recent posts' tab couldn't get you where you needed, and if you'd rather look at all the posts at once, you could just continuously scroll down. It's difficult to rate the currency of the posts since the subjects are only English 121 assignments, but their images are definitely current, such as memes I've seen this year on the internet. The writing is very high quality, you can tell there was a good deal of effort put into it, and the posts are very eloquent. The author gives obvious credit by labeling their individual posts as seen below the title of their blog post, or the added signature at the bottom. Image sources are included in links that go directly to the webpage. There is slight inconsistency in the amount a certain author posts versus how much the other author does, but there is definitely a blog post written at least every few days.

I think this blogs' content is really intelligent, and I enjoy reading their outlooks on the different subjects we've studied. Something that could be bothersome to certain people is the lack of color, or lack of imagery that keeps the blog lively and interesting, though they've done a great job at including an image at the end of every blog post. There is also a fairly large strip of white space to the right of their website that's a little blank, but that could be their template. Either way, I absolutely love this blog!

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