Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Nora Hixson: Blog Review

By Nora Hixson
Blog chosen: Rock-&-Iron

I thought that the blog Rock-&-Iron was very neat and orderly when I first looked at it. I really liked the photo of the mountains that they had at the top, but I then realized that the rest of the blog seemed a little plain, as it was all just white with black or grey text. I definitely liked how easy it was to navigate though, it enabled me to see the beginnings of each post, and then I could click and read more if they interested me.

For our class, the Blog Quality Criteria List was as follows: organized, current, quality content, creativity, visually pleasing, author credibility, and consistency. The blog Rock-&-Iron was most definitely organized, current, and had quality content. In terms of creativity, I feel like it lacked a little bit, with not very many pictures and a very plain background for each post. It was visually pleasing in the way that it was so organized and easy to navigate, but it did not interest me or capture my attention at all. The blog seemed pretty consistent, with posts every few days and always about relevant topics.

Overall I liked this blog, but I don't know that I would follow it outside of class because of the lack of visually pleasing details. The content was more boring than what I would normally look for when considering a blog to follow, but that is because it's all assignments from class so it's understandable. I liked being able to read the authors' different perspectives and ideas about the assignments, and I definitely didn't have a negative experience with this blog!

Found: http://www.theblogstarter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1.jpg

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