Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chapter 17 Reading Response.
By Sarah Daly

    Integrating Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism

Professional Response
        I think this is a very good chapter when writing a paper. It makes the point that you want to paraphrase and summarize more then have direct quotes. It helps the paper flow better and helps you get your point across in your own words. Plagiarism usually occurs because of carelessness or poor time management. It could be either intentional or unintentional.

Personal Response
       I think this is an important chapter. It gives good tips on including paraphrasing, summaries, or direct quotes. I find it easier and clearing when i read a paper to have the author summaries or paraphrase their sources rather then directly quote. It helps the paper flow better and keeps the same tone. The part of plagiarism always makes me nervous. I don't trust myself to cite my sources correctly all the time even if my intent isn't to copy someone else's work.

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