Sunday, August 30, 2015

Chapter 3 Reading Response

Reading Response: Chapter 3
Nora Hixson

Personal Reaction: While reading this chapter, something that angered me was the fifth sentence of the first paragraph, which began with “If you are perceptive…” implying that they believe the reader is most likely not perceptive.
Also while reading this chapter, I learned about several types of essays that I didn’t know existed, as well as ways of writing conclusions that I had never considered. I also learned that they suggest that you write the body paragraphs of your rough draft before the introduction so you can establish what tone your overall essay will have.

Professional Reaction: The most important points in the reading were that you should be able to tell what format your essay will have based on the questions you answered for it, your body paragraphs need to be unified, coherent, and well developed, and that the conclusion needs to reinforce your thesis and main points without repeating them exactly.  

Photo found: Jack Bauman College Essays

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