Thursday, August 27, 2015

Setting Goals

By Amin Halimovic

I interviewed Sarah Holzmeister to get her perspective about learning English. Many students cringe when assigned an essay, but writing should not be a subject to stress over. Sarah feels comfortable about her writing skills because of the forms of writing she uses daily, her past experiences with writing, and her goals for this English class. While English can be a difficult subject to understand, by studying and having useful tools anyone can excel at English. Writing is a part of our everyday lives.

            Sarah like most of us writes throughout the day, she writes text and emails to friends and clients. As a treatment councilor Sarah writes lists and summarizes at work. She writes lists for jobs to do around her house. People might not think about writing, but like Sarah it is around us all the time. The types of writing Sarah does is not the only thing that makes her comfortable about writing.

            In past experiences Sarah has been in many English classes throughout her schooling life. It is Sarah’s first time taking English 121 here at Front Range. In many of her English classes Sarah has participated peer editing, and Sarah has used libraries for assistance in writing. Sarah has yet to use the campus library, but it is her goal to use it this year.

            Sarah’s goals for this class have a big role in her becoming successful in this course. While Sarah is comfortable with her writing, formatting and citations are two areas of writing where she believes she struggles. One of the hardest parts of writing is starting for her, but when the writing begins it is easy for her to finish. Her ultimate goal for this class is to pass, putting in hard work and having goals Sarah should have no problem passing the class.

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            Seeing Sarah’s point of view on English helped me learn more about writing. I’ve learned there are many students like myself that struggle with writing. Sarah and I have many goals for this fall semester, and most of these goals we have are based on our problems we foresee related to English. These problems that we perceive should not be a concern, because with the help of our English instructor and peers we will pass this class. Sarah wants to get a degree in social work to help others, and I know English will only help her get this degree.

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