Thursday, August 27, 2015


       I had the privilege of sitting down and interviewing Amin about some of his writing habits and his experiences here at Front Range Community College. When asked what forms of writing Amin uses most he explained that he texts and emails the most. He also writes reports for work and will occasionally write letters and friends and girlfriends. 
      He has already taken this class but due to other conflicts he decided to drop the class. He has had both poor and positive experiences with the teachers he has had, but feels like he has learned a lot of skills from both. Amin has participated in many peer workshops throughout his years in school and feels comfortable with the process.
       Amin feels very comfortable with using computers. He uses computers at work with several different programs to help with the every day tasks for his company. Although he regularly looks at social media websites he rarely posts to them. Amin has been at Front Range Community College for a year and a half. He is familiar with Front Range Community College library although he usually will go to the public library.  
       Amin’s goal for this class is to pass. Some of the foreseen problems that could be in the way of achieving his goal would be his dislike of writing and reading. He said it is hard to get his thoughts down on paper and managing his time. Amin decided to pursue a degree in business management. After working as a production supervisor for Polar Bottles he feels like it is the right place for him. He likes leading a crew and making sure his team can succeed.

Written by Sarah Holzmeister


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