Those four random people who sit at the front of the class talking about life and English assignments.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Outline of Nora Hixson's Exemplification Essay
Current Thesis: Dancers, often thought of as girls in tutus spinning around on their toes, actually have to be incredibly strong in all aspects of performing in order to be successful.
Support Bit Example #1: People underestimate the strength dancers must have in order to succeed with their passion: if it doesn't take any effort at all, then how come football players are recommended to take a ballet class?
Support Bit Example #2: To an ordinary audience member, technique, choreography, and elegance appear to be all a ballerina knows. But appearance can be deceitful; ever notice the calf muscles, facial expressions, and passion the dancer uses on stage? A ballerina must be strong in all areas of performing arts, such as athleticism, acting, and artistry, in order to succeed. (Think of roles such as Giselle, whose character went mad. That would've used a great deal of emotion... etc.)
Closing Statement (Thesis #2): Never underestimate the performers in pancake tutus: it takes incredible commitment, training in other arts, and true passion to do the things ballerinas can do.
By Sarah Moore
Possible Outline for Sarah Holzmeister
I. Introduction
Thesis Statement: In America we place in high regard helping and protecting our mentally and behaviorally dysfunctional members of our community but leave their caretakers physically and mentally broken without any resources.
II. The physical and mental toll the caretakers face
A. What are the tolls and what causes them
B. What they could do to prevent it
III. Cost of treatment
A. How much it costs to treat out of ones own pocket
B. How businesses could help lower cost
IV. Governments roll in helping
A. Government resource's that help the caretakers
B. What the government could do more to help
V. Conclusion
Thesis Statement: In America we place in high regard helping and protecting our mentally and behaviorally dysfunctional members of our community but leave their caretakers physically and mentally broken without any resources.
II. The physical and mental toll the caretakers face
A. What are the tolls and what causes them
B. What they could do to prevent it
III. Cost of treatment
A. How much it costs to treat out of ones own pocket
B. How businesses could help lower cost
IV. Governments roll in helping
A. Government resource's that help the caretakers
B. What the government could do more to help
V. Conclusion
Essay Outline for Sarah Moore
Nora Hixson
Thesis: It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime.
Example 1: The physical aspect of this trip included the 20 miles of hiking with a 45 plus pound backpack, sharing water, passing food with our bare hands until everyone had something, and looking our worst in front of people we really didn't know that well at the beginning of this trip.
Example 2: The emotional part of this trip mostly came during the part of the trip when we had to share our life stories.
Example 3: The mental experience on this trip was exhausting, from having to chant in our heads to keep walking, to the night of solitude, to the difficultly sleeping at night.
Conclusion: This backpacking trip ended up being one of the most physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting experiences I have ever been on, but the people who I became so open and close to have made the whole experience worth it. I believe that everyone should go through the experience that I was able to.
Outline For Amin's Essay!
Thesis statement : Reading teen magazines is stunting growth and development of teenagers and is setting up unattainable standards for them to live by that are leading to mental and physical illness.
Support one: These magazines set up unrealistic expectations of body image.
Support two: These magazines also give young people a black and white view of what it is to be a valuable member of of society in terms of careers and physical gain.
Support three: Youth are very impressionable in these teenage and early adult years they are very vulnerable to outside pressures and already have an unrealistic view of the world.
Conclusions Due to the unrealistic expectations given by these magazines it causes feelings of inadequacy which then lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness.
Sarah Holzmeister
Thesis statement : Reading teen magazines is stunting growth and development of teenagers and is setting up unattainable standards for them to live by that are leading to mental and physical illness.
Support one: These magazines set up unrealistic expectations of body image.
Support two: These magazines also give young people a black and white view of what it is to be a valuable member of of society in terms of careers and physical gain.
Support three: Youth are very impressionable in these teenage and early adult years they are very vulnerable to outside pressures and already have an unrealistic view of the world.
Conclusions Due to the unrealistic expectations given by these magazines it causes feelings of inadequacy which then lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness.
Sarah Holzmeister
Fallacies: Personal Attack
Personal Attack:
This fallacy means that the author is attacking another person for what they said or believe instead of attacking the idea itself. The attack is directed towards there character instead of being towards the issue or point being made.
How to Avoid: Keep your bias about the other person to yourself. Attack their opinions, not them.
This fallacy means that the author is attacking another person for what they said or believe instead of attacking the idea itself. The attack is directed towards there character instead of being towards the issue or point being made.
How to Avoid: Keep your bias about the other person to yourself. Attack their opinions, not them.
Exemplification Essay
Reading teen magazines is stunting growth and development of teenagers and is setting up unattainable standards for them to live by that are leading to mental and physical illness.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Nora Hixson: Exemplification Essay Thesis
Nora Hixson
Topic: Dancers are much more than people who move to music
Title: More than Tutus, Tights, and Tiaras
Thesis: Dancers, often thought of as girls in tutus spinning around on their toes, actually have to be incredibly strong in all aspects of performing in order to be successful.
(rough draft of thesis, I will most likely change it)
Topic: Dancers are much more than people who move to music
Title: More than Tutus, Tights, and Tiaras
Thesis: Dancers, often thought of as girls in tutus spinning around on their toes, actually have to be incredibly strong in all aspects of performing in order to be successful.
(rough draft of thesis, I will most likely change it)
Exemplification Essay: Thesis
Topic: Backpacking
-In-tents Backpacking trip for six days.
-The way it impacted me personally (and how I believe it could impact others the same way).
Forming a Thesis sentence:
-The week of June 20th to the 25th, I embarked on one of the most life-changing trips of my life. Whether it was the cold mountain air in my lungs, being surrounded by people I grew to care for, or the reward that came with hiking 20 miles with a 45 plus pound pack on my back, it changed me, and I would recommend backpacking for anyone.
-After I came home from the six day, five night intensive backpacking trip, I was frequently asked questions like 'how was it', 'what did you do', and 'what did you learn' by family members and friends. The best response I could give was, 'you should try it for yourself.'
-It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime.
Working Thesis:
-It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime.
-In-tents Backpacking trip for six days.
-The way it impacted me personally (and how I believe it could impact others the same way).
Forming a Thesis sentence:
-The week of June 20th to the 25th, I embarked on one of the most life-changing trips of my life. Whether it was the cold mountain air in my lungs, being surrounded by people I grew to care for, or the reward that came with hiking 20 miles with a 45 plus pound pack on my back, it changed me, and I would recommend backpacking for anyone.
-After I came home from the six day, five night intensive backpacking trip, I was frequently asked questions like 'how was it', 'what did you do', and 'what did you learn' by family members and friends. The best response I could give was, 'you should try it for yourself.'
-It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime.
Working Thesis:
-It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Just Walk on By by Brent Staples
Chapter 8: Just Walk On By
1.Because she saw herself as a potential victim of what she thought he was, as well as a victim to the ignorant assumptions of what America thought African Americans were.
2. It was Staples realization that he had the power to change the atmosphere in the space around him.
3. Insomnia.
4. The obsession with the power to intimidate. Young, poor, and powerless men crave the control that can come with power.
5. Moved with care, stayed in the shadows, avoided nervous people, let people walk ahead of him, and whistled classical tunes.
Purpose and Audience:
Thesis: "It was in the echo of that terrified woman's footfalls that I first began to know that unwieldy inheritance I'd come into-the ability to alter public space in ugly ways." (page 239)
2. He uses a combination of logic and emotion, and his strategy worked because it could hit you on different levels and gave the reader empathy of what Staples was experiencing.
3. He seems to assume that the audience has prejudice against African American people. He challenges that thinking with his side of the story and how it makes him feel to see people basically run away from him.
4. His intent is to hook the reader to want to know more, makes them wonder if he's dangerous, etc.
Style and Structure:
1. Staples mentions Podhoretz to have more credibility and support. Podhoretz grew up in fear of black men, which enforces Staples' point that most Americans are prejudice.
2. It was the best introduction, I don't see how it could've been better.
3. Since there are twenty or more examples, all direct in what he's trying to say and making a solid point for him, there is enough support. Some examples that could be more convincing would be some studies, or statistics.
4. His order was perfect for presenting his argument, and even if the examples had been in a different order, the paper still would've been just as effective.
5. Assassin, bandit, bully, mobster, criminal, gangster, goon, gunman, hooligan, murderer, rioter, rowdy, troublemaker, delinquent, gorilla, hood, killer, punk, ruffian, gang member, hired killer, professional killer. They absolutely differ in connotation.
Journal Entry:
Nora Hixson: In my experience, there was a time when I was in the mountains with my family for Christmas break. I was injured at the time, so when my family went out to ski, I stayed in the lodge by myself. While sitting there, an older man came up to me while getting ready to ski himself, and began asking me personal questions, such as where my family was, why I wasn't skiing, and if he could see my injury (which I had told him was my knee.) He got uncomfortably close to me during his questions, but I do not know if that was just my paranoia. After reading Staples' essay, I do not think I would've reacted any differently.
Amin Halimovic: When I was traveling back from Bosnia, at the London airport my family and I were boarding the airplane. My family is Muslim and my brother had a moon and star pendent dangling from his neck. This trip we took was shortly after 9/11 happened. We were waiting in line to board the plane as we got closer and closer to enter the plane my brother was randomly pulled aside so that they could search his carry on. I feel they did this just because we are Muslim.
Sarah Holzmeister: For the last five years I have worked with violent
male offenders as being a female in a predominantly male environment there was differently stereotypes for what i could do and what i was capable of handling as a female.
Sarah Moore: I can't recall a particular experience in my life where I was blatantly afraid of a person or perceived them as dangerous, but there were certainly times when I was younger and walking the streets alone, when I'd prefer to cross the street not at the cross-walk where lone men walked. I've always had this sense of caution, unfortunately against people who may can appear more rough (?), but after reading Ben Staples' account, my perception has changed. I want to change how I view people, ordinary people walking on the streets. Most likely they're just that, ordinary people.
Writing Workshop:
3. Staples observation is fairly accurate; we've all seen examples in our own lives that support this as well. The male upbringing comes to play when fathers teach their sons at a young age, for example when they begin grade school, to not let other children hit them, and if they do, to hit them back. What he means by the male romance statement: getting that rush from seeming more powerful by using intimidation.
1.Because she saw herself as a potential victim of what she thought he was, as well as a victim to the ignorant assumptions of what America thought African Americans were.
2. It was Staples realization that he had the power to change the atmosphere in the space around him.
3. Insomnia.
4. The obsession with the power to intimidate. Young, poor, and powerless men crave the control that can come with power.
5. Moved with care, stayed in the shadows, avoided nervous people, let people walk ahead of him, and whistled classical tunes.
Purpose and Audience:
Thesis: "It was in the echo of that terrified woman's footfalls that I first began to know that unwieldy inheritance I'd come into-the ability to alter public space in ugly ways." (page 239)
2. He uses a combination of logic and emotion, and his strategy worked because it could hit you on different levels and gave the reader empathy of what Staples was experiencing.
3. He seems to assume that the audience has prejudice against African American people. He challenges that thinking with his side of the story and how it makes him feel to see people basically run away from him.
4. His intent is to hook the reader to want to know more, makes them wonder if he's dangerous, etc.
Style and Structure:
1. Staples mentions Podhoretz to have more credibility and support. Podhoretz grew up in fear of black men, which enforces Staples' point that most Americans are prejudice.
2. It was the best introduction, I don't see how it could've been better.
3. Since there are twenty or more examples, all direct in what he's trying to say and making a solid point for him, there is enough support. Some examples that could be more convincing would be some studies, or statistics.
4. His order was perfect for presenting his argument, and even if the examples had been in a different order, the paper still would've been just as effective.
5. Assassin, bandit, bully, mobster, criminal, gangster, goon, gunman, hooligan, murderer, rioter, rowdy, troublemaker, delinquent, gorilla, hood, killer, punk, ruffian, gang member, hired killer, professional killer. They absolutely differ in connotation.
Journal Entry:
Nora Hixson: In my experience, there was a time when I was in the mountains with my family for Christmas break. I was injured at the time, so when my family went out to ski, I stayed in the lodge by myself. While sitting there, an older man came up to me while getting ready to ski himself, and began asking me personal questions, such as where my family was, why I wasn't skiing, and if he could see my injury (which I had told him was my knee.) He got uncomfortably close to me during his questions, but I do not know if that was just my paranoia. After reading Staples' essay, I do not think I would've reacted any differently.
Amin Halimovic: When I was traveling back from Bosnia, at the London airport my family and I were boarding the airplane. My family is Muslim and my brother had a moon and star pendent dangling from his neck. This trip we took was shortly after 9/11 happened. We were waiting in line to board the plane as we got closer and closer to enter the plane my brother was randomly pulled aside so that they could search his carry on. I feel they did this just because we are Muslim.
Sarah Holzmeister: For the last five years I have worked with violent
male offenders as being a female in a predominantly male environment there was differently stereotypes for what i could do and what i was capable of handling as a female.
Sarah Moore: I can't recall a particular experience in my life where I was blatantly afraid of a person or perceived them as dangerous, but there were certainly times when I was younger and walking the streets alone, when I'd prefer to cross the street not at the cross-walk where lone men walked. I've always had this sense of caution, unfortunately against people who may can appear more rough (?), but after reading Ben Staples' account, my perception has changed. I want to change how I view people, ordinary people walking on the streets. Most likely they're just that, ordinary people.
Writing Workshop:
3. Staples observation is fairly accurate; we've all seen examples in our own lives that support this as well. The male upbringing comes to play when fathers teach their sons at a young age, for example when they begin grade school, to not let other children hit them, and if they do, to hit them back. What he means by the male romance statement: getting that rush from seeming more powerful by using intimidation.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Reading Response: Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Exemplification
Sarah Moore
Personal Reaction:
I am a strong believer in conveying one's opinions, and very much like to hear the opinion's of others, but chapter 8 on exemplification brings up a crucial point: you should always have support for your argument, otherwise you just look ignorant. This chapter stresses on persuasion, adding interest (which I think is so important), and clarity, but how to do it right. Something I thought helpfully related to being able to back up your argument were the range of examples (page 210), and how it suggested there should be separate examples for each body paragraph, but not limited to just one concept.
Professional Reaction:
Exemplification essays are not just regular essays with an introduction, body paragraph(s), and conclusion. Though it certainly has those components, it's more focused on what's in the intro, body's, and conclusion: what as in examples, illustration, and organization of it all. Though exemplification is a little more technical, it's important to be well versed in since it's a popular writing format for everyday life.
Photo Credit:
Reading response
Chapter 8
Sarah Holzmeister
Professional Response:
I completely feel like it is necessary to give examples and if possible, statistics and facts to not only prove your point but to also allow others to understand what your point is. By offering these pieces of information it makes the writer seem more creditable and knowledgeable of the subject.
Personal Response:
I completely agree with the idea of providing exemplification when trying to express an opinion. I find it very difficult to listen to people spout off on there opinions with not reasoning or facts behind what they have to say.
Chapter 8
Sarah Holzmeister
Professional Response:
I completely feel like it is necessary to give examples and if possible, statistics and facts to not only prove your point but to also allow others to understand what your point is. By offering these pieces of information it makes the writer seem more creditable and knowledgeable of the subject.
Personal Response:
I completely agree with the idea of providing exemplification when trying to express an opinion. I find it very difficult to listen to people spout off on there opinions with not reasoning or facts behind what they have to say.
Nora Hixson: Chapter 8 Reading Response
Professional Reaction: I believe that the most important points in the reading were that thorough and detailed examples are extremely important when supporting your point, organization of your examples has a massive affect on the way your point is supported and how your readers will see it, and that you always need to end your essay with what you want the reader to remember.
Picture found:
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Blog Review:
It was a difficult tie between blogs and, as they both had quality content and received high ratings from the group, but in the end took first place for best representing the quality criteria list used for determining a good blog. The quality criteria list are things such as credibility, posts being up to date and consistent, organization, and creativity so that the blog is visually appealing. Evidently, all of these factors were found in this Out of the four blogs each group member reviewed, this one was superior.
The author for, John Scalzi, is credible as a famous science fiction writer, former president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and creative consult for many science fiction television shows and video games. Because of his identity as a well-known author, the information in his blog posts are intelligent and relevant to the literature world, and he often has thoughtful insights on varying books. The blog is also organized, for example there is a small calendar on the right of Scalzi's website that shows where each post is and what day it was posted on, making it easy to navigate, and therefore user friendly. Something that the rivaling blog,, lacked was the overall visual appeal and creativity. has an image on nearly every post, a header image at the top of the blog which changes regularly, and Scalzi sometimes even incorporates his own photography.
Using the quality criteria that was developed in class, it was decided that was the ultimate choice from the four blogs that were reviewed. It's creativity, organization, consistency, and author credibility set it apart from the other three, and made it the favorite in the group. This blog was captivating, credible, and creative, and would definitely be worth reading.
Nora Hixson: Mini Essay Thesis
Topic: Arts in the schools
- Performing Arts
- Visual Arts
Specify Even More:
- Dance
- Theatre
- Music
- Circus
- Mime
- Illusion
- Musical Theatre
- Opera
- Stage Combat?
Specify Still More:
- It has changed a ton over the years
- It's being offered in more schools than ever before
Arguable Sentences:
- Dance, a popular form of Performing Arts, has seen drastic changes in it's field over the past decade, making this industry more easily accessible to everyone.
- With the growing popularity of Dance as a chosen major, the number of schools that now offer dance programs and majors has dramatically increased over time.
- Dance, a popular form of Performing Arts, has seen drastic changes in it's field over the past decade, making this industry more easily accessible to everyone.
Sarah Moore: Mini Essay Thesis
Topic: Video Games and Violence
More Specific:
- How does psychology relate?
- Finding both sides of the argument; does it benefit or make people worse?
- Facts, evidence, poll statistics of video game violence causing bad behavior.
Forming an Arguable Sentence:
- With over a thousand studies taken regarding the issue of violence in video games, has there ever been a straight answer of if they increase violence or not?
- Psychological studies found that playing violent video games does increase violent behavior, but does not increase violent thoughts. Should we be worried?
- Is it violent behavior that draws a person to the violent video game, or the violent video game that causes the violent behavior?
Working Thesis:
Is it violent behavior that draws a person to the violent video game, or the violent video game that causes the violent behavior?
By Sarah Holzmeister
Topic; Video Games and Violence
Basic points: Violence before video games.
Lack of causation between the two.
Covering up the real root of the problem.
Arguable statements:
Although some people believe that Video games are the reason for school shooting the amount of shooting has actually dropped dramatically in the last decade.
You can no more truthfully say video games cause violence than you can say that playing video games caused tooth decay.
When we stop blaming video games for the violent acts some people commit we can start getting to the real cause of violence and try to put an end to it.
Top choice.
Although some people believe that Video games are the reason for school shooting the amount of shooting has actually dropped dramatically in the last decade.
Topic; Video Games and Violence
Basic points: Violence before video games.
Lack of causation between the two.
Covering up the real root of the problem.
Arguable statements:
Although some people believe that Video games are the reason for school shooting the amount of shooting has actually dropped dramatically in the last decade.
You can no more truthfully say video games cause violence than you can say that playing video games caused tooth decay.
When we stop blaming video games for the violent acts some people commit we can start getting to the real cause of violence and try to put an end to it.
Top choice.
Although some people believe that Video games are the reason for school shooting the amount of shooting has actually dropped dramatically in the last decade.
Amin Halimovic
Topic: Technology in Education
More Specific:
- Easier for students to learn
- Technology is more appealing to students
- The Internet has a lot of information to use
Forming an Arguable Sentence:
- Technology in schools is making it easier for students to study and learn.
- Technology in education makes learning more interesting for students because it appeals to them more.
- The Internet helps students learn and study because there is so much information on the Internet.
- Technology in education makes it easier for students to learn, it keeps them more engaged, and the internet has information about almost everything.
Working Thesis:
Technology in education makse it easier for students to learn, it keeps them more engaged, and the internet has information about almost everything.Blog Ratings
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 9, because it has everything but diverse topics. It was mostly focused on book reviews, as the author is a book author himself, there wasn't a lot of varying content.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 7, because although it's creative and organized, it lacks variety.
Nora Hixson gives this blog an 8, because it lacks current events.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog an 8 because he posts very frequently and has many interesting blog posts about whatever.
Mental Floss
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 6, because there were very current topics, but it lacked organization and easy accessibility.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 7, because everything seems interesting and diverse, it's just hard to get to.
Nora Hixson gives this blog a 6, because it was ridiculously hard to find specific topics to read about.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog a 6 because even though the blog is creative and has a lot of pictures it is just hard to navigate.
Sarah Moore gives this blog an 8 because it had a little bit of everything, the topics were useful for everyday life, maybe could be a little more visually appealing but otherwise it's very good.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog an 8 because of the consistence of the posting and the quality of the content. It lacks humor and doesn't pull the reader in.
Nora Hixson gives this blog an 8 because it seemed to have current topics as well as diversity, and it seemed easy to navigate and read.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog an 8 because the blog is organized and easy to follow, the blog posts are also very appealing to me.
Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 5 because the posts were based more on her opinions only, and the content is a little dry and hard to relate to.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 4 because of the lack of credibility and isn't visually stimulating.
Nora Hixson gives this blog a 5 because the content was dry and unappealing as well as mostly being just based on her views.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog a 5 because the author does post a lot but the things she posts about do not draw my attention to her posts. It is somewhat boring to me.
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 9, because it has everything but diverse topics. It was mostly focused on book reviews, as the author is a book author himself, there wasn't a lot of varying content.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 7, because although it's creative and organized, it lacks variety.
Nora Hixson gives this blog an 8, because it lacks current events.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog an 8 because he posts very frequently and has many interesting blog posts about whatever.
Mental Floss
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 6, because there were very current topics, but it lacked organization and easy accessibility.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 7, because everything seems interesting and diverse, it's just hard to get to.
Nora Hixson gives this blog a 6, because it was ridiculously hard to find specific topics to read about.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog a 6 because even though the blog is creative and has a lot of pictures it is just hard to navigate.
Sarah Moore gives this blog an 8 because it had a little bit of everything, the topics were useful for everyday life, maybe could be a little more visually appealing but otherwise it's very good.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog an 8 because of the consistence of the posting and the quality of the content. It lacks humor and doesn't pull the reader in.
Nora Hixson gives this blog an 8 because it seemed to have current topics as well as diversity, and it seemed easy to navigate and read.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog an 8 because the blog is organized and easy to follow, the blog posts are also very appealing to me.
Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men
Sarah Moore gives this blog a 5 because the posts were based more on her opinions only, and the content is a little dry and hard to relate to.
Sarah Holzmeister gives this blog a 4 because of the lack of credibility and isn't visually stimulating.
Nora Hixson gives this blog a 5 because the content was dry and unappealing as well as mostly being just based on her views.
Amin Halimovic gives this blog a 5 because the author does post a lot but the things she posts about do not draw my attention to her posts. It is somewhat boring to me.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Thesis statement “The E-blurt like so many other forms of communication
is about power.”
Supporting bits-
- I am busier then you hence I am more powerful than you.
- Hip for spelling errors more powerful for them.
- Reminding people that you’re the boss by making them work it out.
Counter Argument
Legal implications for subpoenaed emails. ( not
Conclusion “Which only confirms what I’ve always felt about
power; the people that really understand it doesn’t say anything at all.”
Reading Response
Chapter 3: Arrangement
Amin Halimovic
Click for Link |
Personal Reaction:
The material in chapter three is nothing new to me. All throughout high
school and other English courses that I took at Front Range instructors have
taught students how to arrange their essays. Although most of the material in
chapter three is familiar, I learned new tips on how to start an introduction. Knowing
these tips is very helpful because I struggle writing introductions. So far the
text book and what our class has been assigned to read has been review for me.
Professional Reaction:
Chapter three is a very important chapter to becoming a great writer. In
this section the authors teach the reader how to recognize patterns to help
format the specific type of essay being worked on. The tips and examples given
in this chapter are useful tools to use, and knowing how to structure an essay
properly is essential when writing an essay.
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