Thursday, September 3, 2015

Blog Review:

    It was a difficult tie between blogs and, as they both had quality content and received high ratings from the group, but in the end took first place for best representing the quality criteria list used for determining a good blog. The quality criteria list are things such as credibility, posts being up to date and consistent, organization, and creativity so that the blog is visually appealing. Evidently, all of these factors were found in this Out of the four blogs each group member reviewed, this one was superior. 

    The author for, John Scalzi, is credible as a famous science fiction writer, former president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and creative consult for many science fiction television shows and video games.  Because of his identity as a well-known author, the information in his blog posts are intelligent and relevant to the literature world, and he often has thoughtful insights on varying books. The blog is also organized, for example there is a small calendar on the right of Scalzi's website that shows where each post is and what day it was posted on, making it easy to navigate, and therefore user friendly. Something that the rivaling blog,, lacked was the overall visual appeal and creativity. has an image on nearly every post, a header image at the top of the blog which changes regularly, and Scalzi sometimes even incorporates his own photography. 

    Using the quality criteria that was developed in class, it was decided that was the ultimate choice from the four blogs that were reviewed. It's creativity, organization, consistency, and author credibility set it apart from the other three, and made it the favorite in the group. This blog was captivating, credible, and creative, and would definitely be worth reading.

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