Thursday, September 17, 2015

Essay Outline for Sarah Moore

Nora Hixson


       Thesis: It was probably one of the most physically grueling, emotionally draining, uncomfortable on-so-many-levels trips, but hands down the most raw, eye-opening, and life changing I have ever been on. When people ask about it, I tell them an intensive backpacking trip is something everyone needs to try once in their lifetime. 

       Example 1: The physical aspect of this trip included the 20 miles of hiking with a 45 plus pound backpack, sharing water, passing food with our bare hands until everyone had something, and looking our worst in front of people we really didn't know that well at the beginning of this trip.

       Example 2: The emotional part of this trip mostly came during the part of the trip when we had to share our life stories. 

       Example 3: The mental experience on this trip was exhausting, from having to chant in our heads to keep walking, to the night of solitude, to the difficultly sleeping at night.

        Conclusion: This backpacking trip ended up being one of the most physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting experiences I have ever been on, but the people who I became so open and close to have made the whole experience worth it. I believe that everyone should go through the experience that I was able to. 

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