Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sarah Moore: Mini Essay Thesis

Topic: Video Games and Violence

More Specific: 

  • How does psychology relate?
  • Finding both sides of the argument; does it benefit or make people worse?
  • Facts, evidence, poll statistics of video game violence causing bad behavior. 
Forming an Arguable Sentence:
  • With over a thousand studies taken regarding the issue of violence in video games, has there ever been a straight answer of if they increase violence or not?
  • Psychological studies found that playing violent video games does increase violent behavior, but does not increase violent thoughts. Should we be worried?
  • Is it violent behavior that draws a person to the violent video game, or the violent video game that causes the violent behavior?
Working Thesis:
Is it violent behavior that draws a person to the violent video game, or the violent video game that causes the violent behavior?

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