Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Reading Response

Chapter 3: Arrangement

Amin Halimovic

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Personal Reaction:  The material in chapter three is nothing new to me. All throughout high school and other English courses that I took at Front Range instructors have taught students how to arrange their essays. Although most of the material in chapter three is familiar, I learned new tips on how to start an introduction. Knowing these tips is very helpful because I struggle writing introductions. So far the text book and what our class has been assigned to read has been review for me.
Professional Reaction:  Chapter three is a very important chapter to becoming a great writer. In this section the authors teach the reader how to recognize patterns to help format the specific type of essay being worked on. The tips and examples given in this chapter are useful tools to use, and knowing how to structure an essay properly is essential when writing an essay.  

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