Monday, September 14, 2015

Reading Response: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Exemplification
Sarah Moore

Personal Reaction:
 I am a strong believer in conveying one's opinions, and very much like to hear the opinion's of others, but chapter 8 on exemplification brings up a crucial point: you should always have support for your argument, otherwise you just look ignorant. This chapter stresses on persuasion, adding interest (which I think is so important), and clarity, but how to do it right. Something I thought helpfully related to being able to back up your argument were the range of examples (page 210), and how it suggested there should be separate examples for each body paragraph, but not limited to just one concept. 

Professional Reaction:
Exemplification essays are not just regular essays with an introduction, body paragraph(s), and conclusion. Though it certainly has those components, it's more focused on what's in the intro, body's, and conclusion: what as in examples, illustration, and organization of it all. Though exemplification is a little more technical, it's important to be well versed in since it's a popular writing format for everyday life.  

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